Cereta’s Healing Well

Making Friends with Your Ego

I love reading and learning about all aspects of spirituality.  One of the big concepts that is up for frequent debate in spritual circles is the nature and existence of the “Ego.”  I recently attended a workshop given by a very well-known author who has much insight into the spiritual world.  I really enjoyed taking this workshop and I learned so much that day about tapping into the messages we get from Spirit.  During the workshop, the speaker made a statement that “the Ego is all Fear.”  Something about that statement didn’t sit well with me and I kept turning […]

Healing Body, Mind and Soul

I would like to extend a warm welcome to anyone who has landed here from cyberspace.  This page is a well of healing to anyone who seeks solace and nurturing.  My blog is about healing–all aspects of healing.  Healing, for me is not any one specific thing, it represents wholeness of  being.

Healing is needed in great quantities at this time in our Earth’s evolution.  The human spirit has lived for too long in a state of distortion.  That time of distortion is now ending and being replaced by a new way of being, a new consciousness.  In order for our […]